Earth's Final Movie
Amazing Facts publishing has just released a new book calledOperation Blueprint that will thoroughly convince you that in the midst of all this tragedy and chaos, God has had a remarkable plan in the works. And even better, that “blueprint” plan is detailed, quite clearly, in the Bible … if you know where to look.
When preparing for a big event in life, most common-sense people do a lot of planning. You might plan for years on going to college—you consider schools and find ways to pay for it. The idea is that the more you focus on the plan, the more success you’ll have. But in this world, even the best-laid plans don’t pan out. Random chance events, like a sudden family tragedy or finanical crisis, often get in the way. It can be Murphy’s Law each and every day.
Many people have that same idea about God. If He ever had a plan for the universe, it sure can be hard to see it when such senseless violence and death—such as the recent Boston bombings and the West, Texas, industrial accident—make everything that happens feel as if it’s nothing but chaos. People are continually forced to ask, “Why is there good and evil in the world? What can possibly happen next?”
But author and international speaker Ivor Myers, in his new book called Operation Blueprint from Amazing Facts publishing, says that we can turn to the Bible and find God’s plan for the world, all explained in amazing detail, a plan that is still intact and a plan in which you can play a part.
The secret to understanding this blueprint, Myers writes, is in the Jewish sanctuary. If you’re anything like me, after you finish this book, you’re going to be asking, “Why in the world haven’t I heard about the sanctuary before?” It’s one of the most vital messages today, not just for Christians—but for every one!
What’s really special about Blueprint is that Myers has been able to condense God’s sweeping cosmic pattern into a fast-moving, action-packed drama. It reveals that God has had a ancient plan in the works that makes sense of the chaos, and knowing this plan is something that can inspire courage and grow your faith. It reveals how much this “blueprint” sanctuary permeates the pages of the Bible, from the holy place to most holy place, to the very articles of furniture inside, such as the ark of the covenant, altar of incense, and others. At times, you might even gasp aloud about how clear and amazing it really all is.
Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, if you’re tired of hearing “God works in mysterious ways” or “It was God’s will” as a generic answer to tragedy, you’re going to love Operation Blueprint. It just makes so much sense to see the world and the Bible in this new light. Myers has brought modern insight and perspective to a mind-blowing ancient truth.
As you read through the book, you’ll likely find yourself turning pages quickly as you learn exciting new information about God—but Blueprint deserves savoring and careful, thoughtful study. It’s much like a GPS map through the sanctuary that reveals hidden history, prophecy, and most important, God’s intense love for you and me. A word of caution—it’s a book you’re going to want to share!
As a side note, interested readers might be surprised that the author was once part of an up-and-coming hip-hop group called the Boogiemonsters. Already signed to a multi-record deal with a major label, Myers left it all behind in order to share ground-breaking messages of faith like the one contained in this book.

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Do you want to know what the final movie is!?
Ezekiel Ekky 9:02 PM 0
Do you want to know what the final movie is!?Ezekiel Ekky 9:02 PM
Ezekiel Ekky
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